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Posts by category
- Category: All
- NIS2 for domain name managers: first update
- WIPO launches dispute service for .HT domains
- Marrocco : .MA and المغرب. dispute resolution
- Why Actively Monitoring Your Trademark’s Online Presence is Essential
- Increase trust from your email recipients with the VMC certificate
- .FREE / .HOT / .SPOT – Amazon Registry Announces Sunrise Dates for 3 nTLDs
- NIS2 directive for domain managers: how best to prepare?
- Targeting bulk registrations as a source of malicious domains
- Interested in applying for a Dot Brand domain? Here’s what you need to know today
- WIPO launches dispute service for .RW domains
- Lessons from the case
- Cleaning up a DNS zone : a tangible impact on response time
- Gibson’s Legacy in the Face of Counterfeits
- Social Media: A Confirmed Hub for Counterfeiting
- Beyond fame: defending brands of all sizes from cybersquatting
- Study on ccTLD Dispute Resolution Policies Worldwide
- 25 Years of the UDRP: Efficiency and Future Prospects
- WIPO launches dispute services for .CV and .LV domains
- NIS 2 Directive: transposition into French law is a long time coming
- NIS 2 Directive : Transposition into French Law is a long time coming
- Retrocession of the Chagos Archipelago: what about .io?
- .DREAM: the blockchain extension empowering visionaries in Web 3.0
- Spain’s .ES to introduce authcode domain transfers
- New Dispute Service for .AD (Andorra)
- Venezuelian Registry Opens 2nd Level Domains Registration
- Get the best .DEAL .NOW: secure your trademarks
- Africa DNS Success Index: ICANN study updates country ranks
- 3DNS and Optimism team up to launch new domain names
- DNSBomb – A new DNS-based cyberattack
- .BLOCKCHAIN: a DNS-based gTLD on the horizon?
- Critical DNS zones: IP Twins introduces RecordLock, a unique DNS record locking mechanism
- Blockchain Domains: Cut Through the Noise and Implement a Sensible Brand Protection Strategy
- NIS2 Directive: IP Twins complies with new European cybersecurity security standards
- UDRP: France stops
- THNIC opens new application period for .th domain registrations
- CMC’s termination of registrars leaves .iq domain holders in limbo: what you need to know
- NFTs and intellectual property: summary of a report submitted to the U.S. Congress
- Unstoppable Domains and Secret Network Launch .SECRET: A New Era in Secure Digital Identity
- Launch of .locker gTLD with Bitcoin Protocol Support
- Keys To Handling Domain Names in Franchise Agreements
- Enhancing DNS Resilience: Best Practices for a Robust Digital Infrastructure
- The importance of SSL certificates for businesses: history and crucial benefits
- The Essential Glossary of Email and Domain Security
- The Crucial Role of DMARC in Cybersecurity Strategies
- Andorra: Registry announces major simplification in registration procedures
- Turkey: .tr grandfathering period extended to August 7, 2024
- Enhancing Cybersecurity Through Effective DNS Management
- New gTLD program : ICANN launches a new website in preparation for the new round
- Increase in cybersquatting on [brand][country].com registrations
- Unstoppable Domains joins GlobalBlock
- The future of IP Rights in the metaverse: insights from the British Intellectual Property Office
- 2024 European Commission Recommendation on measures to combat counterfeiting
- Enhancing transparency in domain name disputes: the case for including registration agreement language in WhoIs data
- David Hogg’s push for gun control using Trump’s new sneaker brand
- Less restrictions for .swiss extension
- .shop: a strategic extension for e-commerce
- ICANN proposes the creation of an extension for internal use
- GlobalBlock: Introducing a new blocking mechanism in over 500 extensions
- WIPO cybersquatting statistics: just the tip of the iceberg
- Cybersquatting: don’t press your luck with Verizon
- first SYRELI decision involving a geographical indication protecting industrial and artisanal goods
- Cybersecurity: DNS spoofing and implementing key actions to combat it
- Cybersecurity: Understanding DNSSEC and Its Benefits in Intellectual Property
- The regulation (EU) 2023/2411 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023 on the protection of geographical indications for craft and industrial products
- Register your .BOT domains
- 45% of large Swiss companies already targeted by a cyberattack
- The Significance of Effective Domain Name Management
- UDRP now applicable to .ga domains!
- Protect Your Brand with a great Domain Name Strategy!
- 5 key actions to start protecting your brand on the Internet
- .music sunrise period. The wait is over!
- A typo hijacked thousands of emails from US Army
- .UA Domain Name Dispute Resolution (Ukraine)
- .fr: Afnic launches a mediation procedure
- Operation Döppelganger: how Russia continues to flood Europe with false information
- WIPO opens UDRP to .mg domain names (Madagascar)
- Counterfeiting: China remains the top priority for the European Commission
- .zip : beware of security threats!
- a lack of prudence, a bluff, a fluke, and a success
- .WATCHES domain names: be on time!
- Google Registry is launching 8 new gTLDs
- ICANN announces preparations for the next round of new gTLDs
- .POLYGON blockchain domain names
- Get your .ART DNS and ENS domain names
- Fight against abuse: Afnic launches a new public consultation
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)
- Hermès v. Rothschild: how to fight trademark infringement committed by NFT minters
- Cryptoassets and intellectual property infringement: which jurisdiction?
- Twitter announcement on banning the free promotion of third party social media platforms : the importance of being in control of one’s online presence
- Louboutin v. Amazon: the CJEU paves the way for Amazon’s liability for trademark infringement
- Counterfeiting at the borders of the European Union: continuous increase in the number of detentions
- Football and cybersquatting
- European Commission 2022 report on online counterfeiting
- Internationalized domain names, the best allies of phishing
- Study commissioned by the European Parliament on non-fungible tokens and intellectual property
- Trademark infringement via NFT: a landmark decision from Rome
- Brand and Trademark Infringement on Twitter
- Blockchain domain names: the birth of the Web3 Domain Alliance (W3DA)
- Can the International Olympic Committee prohibit the registration of domain names similar to the words “olympic” and “olympique”?
- New blockchain top-level domains: first come, first served?
- Compliance with the Constitution of the delisting of ordered by the French administration
- How to resolve a dispute over a domain name such as
- HKIAC Guide to Alternative Domain Name Dispute Resolution (2nd ed.)
- Brand Owners, be Aware! Marketplaces in Kenya that you should be conscious of
- The geographical name of national importance: common good or private monopoly?
- French court holds Amazon liable for trademark infringement
- Three new gTLDS: .RSVP, .BOO and . GIVING
- UDRP about : don’t say “cheese”!
- The battle for the promising .WALLET
- The rise of intellectual property infringing activities on social media
- Decentralized domain names: the need for discussion between operators and intellectual property right holders
- .KIDS: participating in the sunrise period is a moral duty
- .GREEN: green ideas, green domains
- A Memorandum of Understanding between ICANN and EURid on Internationalized Domain Names
- Combating the Sale of Counterfeit Goods
- “Crystal vision” c. “Crystal visual”: no confusion
- Israel: sunrise period for the ישראל TLD (Israel in Hebrew) from May 10, 2022
- WhoIs data: new response from ICANN to the European Commission
- UDRP on, and no limitation period but evidence of bad faith that is too old
- “the national territory in its economic, geographical, historical, political and cultural identity”
- UDRP on super-heroes and cryptocurrencies
- 2022 Europol and European Intellectual Property Office Counterfeiting Report
- ICANN Report on DNS Abuse
- Russia: denial of justice for foreign parties
- Australia: opening of registrations directly under the .AU from March 24, 2022
- Australie : ouverture des enregistrements directement sous le .AU dès le 24 mars 2022
- Monaco: Registration of domains now prohibited
- Tanzania: Launch of domain names under .tz
- Thailand: .TH and .ไทย available until March 31, 2022
- ICANN Rejects Ukraine’s Request to Disable Russia’s ccTLDs
- Neustar International Security Council Study on DNS Attacks
- UDRP on discussion about bad faith on the day of acquisition and the day the complaint was filed
- Statistics 2021: out-of-court proceedings relating to domain names
- UDRP on failure to renew (negligence) and loss of domain name
- Review of out-of-court decisions relating to domain names 2022-01 (December 2021)
- : UDRP or auction ?
- euADR: YMCA snatches from the hands of a well-known cybersquatter
- Cybersecurity and Log4shell: the situation at IP Twins
- UDRP: no enforceable trademark, no transfer
- .BH (Bahrain) : sunrise period from 3 Novembre 2021 to 2 January 2022
- New gTLD : .DAY, from 14 December 2021
- Review of out-of-court decisions relating to domain names: November 2021
- Black Friday and Cyber Monday: detecting abusive domain name registrations and acting quickly
- Denigration and retention of access codes to social media
- NIS2 directive (proposal): duties of domain name registries and registrars
- The coexistence agreement as a mean for preventing disputes relating to domain names
- Distribution agreements and domain names
- France: proof of the well-known status of a trademark through the Barrisol case
- The “” case brought to the United States Supreme Court
- Domain names: collection of recent extrajudicial procedures that could have been avoided
- UDRP targetting brief comment on the strategy to adopt in the case of a short acronym brand
- cnDRP on caterpillar. 中国 and 卡特彼勒. 中国: the risks of recklessness
- Brisbane Olympic Games in 2032: already some cybersquatting attempts
- .ZUERICH: available from 30 August 2021
- Australia: available from March 2022
- freedom of expression as a pretext for concealing greedy intent
- : la liberté d’expression comme prétexte dissimulant une intention cupide
- itDRP on brief focus on the word “replica”
- UDRP on the difficulty of requesting the transfer of a geographical name
- Geographical indications cybersquatting: the Gorgonzola case
- Shanghai Pudong Court White Paper on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Foreign-Invested Enterprises
- Japanese Intellectual Property Arbitration Center (JIPAC) sets first precedent in allowing English as the language of proceedings in a domain name dispute (JP-DRP)
- SSL Certificates: Watch out for renewals
- “Get off of my cloud”: Paris court rules in favor of Rolling Stones logo owner in infringement case
- ICANN and .WEB: now is the time to make decisions!
- “Get off of my cloud” : l’exclusion de marchandises contrefaisant le logo des Rolling Stones
- How to get the transfer of a domain name such as brother.tld?
- Amazon report on its fight against counterfeiting
- United States: a strict interpretation of the word “registration” of a domain name in the ACPA excluding de facto the act of acquisition
- Spase, Inc. loses cybersquatting dispute for a third time
- JD upgrades its anti-counterfeit system
- The “” case: sovereign immunity of the French State and rejection of the complaint of, Inc.
- Important information on domain names reproducing trademarks under .sucks
- WIPO launches new dispute resolution service for .sa et السعودية. domain names (Saudi Arabia)
- Cybersquatting in China: joint and several liability of the cybersquatter and the registrar
- General Data Protection Regulation and Whois: a request to suspend ICANN’s SSAD
- .HOTEL : Fegistry, Radix, and Domain Venture Partners v. ICANN
- .HOTEL : Fegistry, Radix, et Domain Venture Partners c. ICANN
- France: infringement of copyright (bracelets and photographs), design rights, personality rights, unfair competition and free riding
- Disguising the sale of brand-identical domain names as freedom of speech sucks
- France : contrefaçon de modèles (joaillerie), de droits d’auteur (photographie), atteinte au droit à l’image et concurrence déloyale
- France: 2021-2022 anti-counterfeit programme
- UDRP on reverse domain name hijacking
- Internationalized domain names: definition, challenges, and status
- Has ICANN been invited to Donuts hotel?
- UDRP sur : plainte abusive
- L’ICANN s’est-il invité à l’hôtel de Donuts ?
- Brexit and .eu: “suspended” status postponed to June 30, 2021
- Noms de domaine internationalisés : définition, enjeux et état des lieux
- ‘Coup’ attempt at Nominet
- Tentative de « coup » chez Nominet
- United States: towards the end of Internet intermediary immunity?
- New gTLD .SPA: sunrise period from 20 avril 2021
- UDRP on a debatable transfer
- 2020 European Commission Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List
- Counterfeiting: 2020 Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy
- .TH domains available from 1st February 2021
- chDRP on, and
- chDRP :, et
- Harmful domain names: ICANN identifies 153 registrars
- and domains : tightening of the rules governing trademark-based eligibility
- UDRP on Facebook keeps its domain name
- UDRP sur : Facebook conserve son nom de domaine
- France: action of the owner of a revoked trademark with regard to acts of infringement occurring before the revocation
- France: disclosure of a confidential fashion collection by an employee
- France : l’action du titulaire d’une marque déchu quant aux actes de contrefaçon intervenus avant la déchéance
- UDRP on act II (two decisions in three months)
- UDRP sur : acte II (deux décisions en trois mois)
- DNSSEC: all gTLDs are secure
- UDRP on : a rare example of transfer concerning an acronym
- UDRP sur : un rare exemple de transfert concernant un acronyme
- UDRP: hydroqué
- UDRP : hydroqué
- The starting point of the limitation period in the cnDRP: rejecting the creation date of the domain name in favor of the date of the occurrence of a new fact
- Point de départ du délai de prescription dans la cnDRP : le rejet de la date d’enregistrement du nom de domaine au profit de la date de survenance d’un fait nouveau
- France and the European Union: Blanchet and Bournazel report on the evaluation of the fight against counterfeiting
- UDRP on complaint rejected and reverse domain name hijacking
- UDRP sur : rejet de la plainte et procédure abusive
- Article 2 of the cnDRP: the issue of the starting point of the limitation period in case of a domain name that has been assigned
- Article 2 de la cnDRP : la question du point de départ de la prescription en présence d’un nom de domaine ayant fait l’objet d’une cession
- Article 2 of the cnDRP: the reaction time of brand owners
- GIView: the EUIPO database for geographical indications
- Webinaires sur la protection des indications géographiques (parties 1 et 2)
- Indications géographiques : l’OUEPI lance une base de données
- Article 2 de la cnDRP : le délai de réactivité des propriétaires de marque
- “Double 11” : la bataille juridique des géants du commerce électronique chinois
- Advertising keywords: beyond distinctive signs
- geoTLD .ZUERICH: sunrise period postponed to May 3, 2021
- “Double 11” and Its Discontents: Chinese e-commerce giants battling over trademark rights of the shopping festival
- geoTLD .ZUERICH : sunrise period reportée au 3 mai 2021
- Mots-clés publicitaires : au-delà des signes distinctifs
- Containment in France: the IP Twins team remains available
- Confinement en France : l’équipe d’IP Twins reste mobilisée
- New gTLD .FORUM: sunrise period from 16 of November 2020 to 16 of December 2020
- .FORUM : sunrise period du 16 novembre au 16 décembre 2020
- a UDRP compendium
- : compendium de l’UDRP
- Interisle Consulting Group study on phishing: nearly 100,000 domain names detected in three months
- The deployment of the DNSSEC protocol
- Le déploiement du DNSSEC
- the need to set up daily alerts as soon as a controversy emerges
- : la nécessité d’installer des alertes quotidiennes dès l’émergence d’une polémique
- Startups: Monitor the use of your brands on the Internet!
- Startups : surveillez l’utilisation de vos marques sur Internet !
- an atypical UDRP
- : une UDRP atypique
- .CONTACT: an imminent sunrise period not to be missed
- UDRP: the offer of products “compatible” with those of the claimant
- UDRP : l’offre de produits dits “compatibles” avec ceux du demandeur
- BMW v. Premier Alloy Wheels (UK): breach of settlement agreement purported to stop intellectual property infringement
- BMW c. Premier Alloy Wheels (UK) : violation d’une transaction supposée faire cesser des actes de contrefaçon
- A UDRP case involving a .CEO domain
- Tiffany v. Costco: the use of a trademark not as a trademark but in a descriptive sense
- Tiffany c. Costco : l’utilisation d’une marque non à titre de marque mais dans un sens descriptif
- The perpetuation of trademark infringement by third parties: judgment of the CJEU
- La perpétuation de la contrefaçon par des tiers au litige : arrêt de la CJUE
- European Union: a study on evaluation of practices for combating speculative and abusive domain name registrations
- Union européenne : une étude sur l’évaluation des pratiques de lutte contre les enregistrements de noms de domaine spéculatifs et abusifs
- Baby Shark sharpens its teeth against Chinese counterfeiters
- Baby Shark aiguise ses dents contre les contrefacteurs chinois
- UDRP on from the utopia of complaint to the reality of the decision
- UDRP sur : entre l’utopie de la demande et la réalité de la décision
- The appeal against a UDRP decision: the BAMC?
- Recours contre une décision UDRP : le BAMC ?
- more transparency, less counterfeits
- : plus de transparence, moins de contrefaçon
- New gTLDs: first revocation of a dotBRAND for breach of the registry agreement
- Première révocation d’un dotBRAND pour manquements contractuels
- The protection of wine geographical indications: legislative efforts since Pliny
- La protection des indications géographiques viticoles : un voeu pieux ?
- Some tips for a domain name portfolio management strategy in pandemic times
- Amazon and Valentino v. Kaitlyn Pan: contractual breach and counterfeiting
- Amazon et Valentino c. Kaitlyn Pan : faute contractuelle et contrefaçon
- CJEU: the storage of goods by a natural person acting as an economic operator constitutes a use in the course of trade
- CJUE : la détention de biens par une personne physique agissant comme un opérateur économique constitue un usage dans la vie des affaires
- Google Search: finally, a take-down procedure for removing non-commercial links!
- Google Search : enfin une procédure de suppression des liens non commerciaux !
- June 10, 2020: 22nd World Anti-Counterfeiting Day
- 10 juin 2020 : 22è journée mondiale de lutte contre la contrefaçon
- New domain name dispute resolution policies: .acDRP, .ioDRP and .shDRP
- acDRP, ioDRP et shDRP : de nouvelles procédures administrées par le Centre d’Arbitrage et de Médiation de l’OMPI
- France: JM Weston wins against The Frye Company in a counterfeiting and parasitism case
- France : JM Weston fait condamner The Frye Company pour contrefaçon et concurrence déloyale
- The .PLACE is open!
- .PLACE : restrictions levées
- EUIPO and EURid: getting trademarks and domain names at the same time
- UDRP: the improper and unjustified transfer of the domain name
- UDRP : le transfert abusif et injustifié du nom de domaine
- Chine: acquisition d’un nom de domaine, délai de prescription et recevabilité de la plainte dans le cadre de la procédure extrajudiciaire de règlement des différends
- Taobao dans la liste noire du département américain du commerce pour la 4e année consécutive
- Taobao listed in USTR Notorious Markets Review for the fourth year running
- China: acquisition of domain name, limitation period and admissibility of the complaint under the China dispute resolution procedure
- Economic parasitism: the fraudulent application for a trademark to attract competitor’s consumers on Amazon
- Parasitisme : le dépôt d’une marque utilisée par un concurrent et non protégée (pour certains produits) pour capter la visibilité créée par ce concurrent sur Amazon
- HT Media and Hindustan Media Venture c. Brainlink International on the chess game is underway
- HT Media et Hindustan Media Venture c. Brainlink International pour : la partie d’échecs est engagée
- seized by the American authorities
- Romag Fasteners, Inc. v. Fossil Group, Inc.: towards an obligation of vigilance of the same nature as the principles governing corporate social responsibility?
- Romag Fasteners, Inc. c. Fossil Group, Inc. : l’attribution des bénéfices tirés de la contrefaçon n’est pas subordonnée à la démonstration de l’intention délictueuse
- .ORG: California Attorney General enters debate
- .ORG : les profondes préoccupations du procureur général de Californie
- UDRP: the CIIDRC is operational and there are already great decisions!
- UDRP : le CIIDRC est opérationnel et compte déjà une belle décision !
- WIPO domain name proceedings statistics for 2019: 26% of defendants are American
- Coty v. Amazon: the CJEU’s missed opportunity
- Coty c. Amazon : l’acte manqué de la CJUE
- UDRP:, transferred 20 days after registration
- .CYOU: sunrise period from May 14, 2020 to June 15, 2020
- .CYOU : sunrise period du 14 mai 2020 au 15 juin 2020
- UDRP on two mistakes not to make
- UDRP sur : deux erreurs à ne pas commettre
- Covid-19: vigilance against cyber-attacks
-, and exhausted during the sunrise period?
-, et : un coup de fatigue pendant la sunrise period ?
- Covid-19: when counterfeiting speculates on the pandemic, panic, and scarcity
- Covid-19 : quand la contrefaçon spécule sur la pandémie, la panique et la pénurie
- Whois and GDPR: the US response is underway
- Dépôt de marque en France : de l’utilité d’une recherche d’antériorités parmi les noms de domaine
- French trademark applications: the usefulness of of a prior rights search on domain names
- Online counterfeiting and consumer safety: commentary on the March 4, 2020 hearings before the U.S. House of Representatives
- Contrefaçon en ligne et sécurité des consommateurs : commentaire sur les auditions du 4 mars 2020 devant la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis
- Cybersquatting: Facebook sues Namecheap and Whoisguard
- French Court of Audit on counterfeiting: towards an enhanced obligation of vigilance for e-commerce platforms
- Rapport de la Cour des comptes sur la contrefaçon : vers une obligation de vigilance renforcée des plateformes de commerce électronique
- UDRP on a transfer decision unrelated to freedom of expression
- UDRP sur : une décision de transfert étrangère à la liberté d’expression
- United States: Shop Safe Act, a bill to end online counterfeiting
- Brexit and GDPR
- Brexit : quid du RGPD ?
- weak trademarks don’t work miracles
- : Warner Bros. a le bourdon
- Political cybersquatting: cases under French law
- General availability of .ar domains postponed
- Cybersquatting politique : noms de domaine et redirigés vers le site de madame Hidalgo. Exemples passés et stratégie
- Taïwan : le .台灣 (.xn--kpry57d) s’ouvre à la réservation de noms de domaine en caractères ASCII
- Blocking websites selling fake watches in France : the harassing fight against counterfeiting
- Blocage des sites, et en France ou l’harassante lutte contre la contrefaçon.
- Noms de domaine génériques : un défi pour le droit de la concurrence
- Generic domain names: a challenge for competition law
- The post-Brexit effects on domain names
- Les conséquences post-Brexit sur les noms de domaine
- Africa: foreign direct investment, trademarks and domain names
- United States: around twenty priority measures to combat counterfeiting
- États-Unis : une vingtaine de mesures prioritaires pour lutter contre la contrefaçon
- Afrique : les investissements directs étrangers, les marques et les noms de domaine
- domain name seized by the American authorities
- .TRAVEL: a partnership between Donuts and the tourism industry
- .GAY: Sunrise period from February 10 to March 31
- .GAY: Sunrise period du 10 février au 31 mars
- A fake Netflix France account on Twitter: infringement or parody?
- Un faux compte Netflix France sur Twitter : confusion ou parodie ?
- UDRP:, transferred 20 years after registration
- Noms de domaine : les extensions du secteur de la mode
- Press review on counterfeiting (September 2019)
- Revue de presse sur la contrefaçon (septembre 2019)
- .madrid : changement des dates d’ouverture
- Alibaba remporte une action en concurrence déloyale contre Click Farm Company en Chine
- Alibaba wins Unfair Competition action against Click Farm Company in China
- Revue de presse sur la contrefaçon (août 2019)
- Press review on counterfeiting (August 2019)
- UDRP – or a reminder of the importance of the OKI DATA case law in the presence of commercial websites
- UDRP – ou le rappel de l’importance de la jurisprudence OKI DATA en présence de sites commerciaux
- L’OMPI, nouvelle institution de règlement des litiges relatifs aux noms de domaine “chinois”
- Press review on counterfeiting (July 2019)
- Revue de presse sur la contrefaçon (juillet 2019)
- UDRP : transfert de aux gardiens de la mémoire de Nelson Mandela
- Nominet DRS : le nombre de procédures en légère baisse
- Category: Brand Protection
- Category: Cybersecurity
- Category: Défense de marque
- Category: Domain Names
- Retrocession of the Chagos Archipelago: what about .io?
- Disputes relating to Senegalese domain names: UDRP with the WIPO
- beDRP: admissibility and probative value of documents from the Wayback Machine
- UDRP:, transferred 20 years after its registration
- Domain Names: the top level domains of the fashion industry
- Argentina: opening of .ar registrations and drop of restrictions
- UDRP: transfer of to the guardians of Nelson Mandela’s memory
- Nominet DRS: the number of proceedings slightly down
- Michael Jackson’s rights holders and other celebrities facing domain name issues
- Category: dotBRAND
- Category: Enforcement
- Category: Noms de Domaine
- Category: Protection de Marque
- Category: Sunrise Period
- Category: Web3