It is rare for a UDRP complaint about a domain name identical to an acronym trademark to be successful (see, eg: “Trademarks and domain names: it’s hard to be an acronym trademark!”,, 2019- 04-24). In this regard, the UDRP CAC 103302 decision stands out (CAC UDRP case No. 103302, Air Medias v. Jurgen Neeme, 2020-11-12).
Air Medias, owner of a “MYM” trademark and the domain name, intended to obtain the transfer of the domain name. In this case, it is mainly the domain name of the complainant ( that played a determining role.
Moreover, the panelist referred to typosquatting based on the top-level domains concerned (which is rare): .FAN and .FANS.
Finally, it is useful to note that the strong similarity of and convinced the third-party decision-maker that the owner of the second was aware of the existence of the first, and even the “MYM” trademark.