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Home » WIPO launches dispute service for .HT domains 

WIPO launches dispute service for .HT domains 

The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center continues to grow its hegemony on domain names dispute resolution proceedings. The WIPO announced in the past days supporting disputes against .HT domain names as of March 2025.

htDRP for all Haitian domains

The .HT domain name dispute policy differs from the UDRP on several grounds:

  • Rights : A complaint may be based on trademark rights or personality rights
  • Bad Faith: It is sufficient to prove that either registration or use of the disputed domain name by the registrant is in bad faith, whereas the UDRP requires the Complainant to prove both.
  • Mutual Jurisdiction : Courts of Haiti
  • Language : French

The WIPO handling fees are the same as the usual UDRP fees.

The addition of Haitian domains to the competence of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center is certainly good news for trademark holders, who continue to see a harmonization in the dispute proceedings against domains across the world.

Please contact us if you wish to protect your brands across domain names.